Sunday, March 21, 2010

Excerpt from short story: "Security System"

Note: This story is being published in the L&L Dreamspell "Dreamspell Nightmares" anthology, coming out this summer. (

Security System

     Cole Renier peered down at the foreboding building from his crouched position on the wet, sloping ground that ran down from the railroad tracks. A shiver went through his lean frame as he studied the huge, lifeless structure spread out below him, some fifty yards away. Until recently, it had been the site of the thriving A.B.T. Research facility; but now the place looked desolate and seemed to shun even the meager light offered by the stars. Wind rustling through some shadowy trees whispered a caution in Cole’s ear.

     “What’re we waitin’ for?” Angelo said, his voice a little too loud for Cole’s liking. “Let’s get down there already. We wanna be first ones in, don’t we?”

     Annoyed, Cole glanced at his stocky, dark-haired friend, who was squatted next to him in the underbrush. Angelo Cirelli was somewhat of a loose cannon—fearless, with too much adrenalin at times—but he was a good friend, and definitely made their urban explorations more interesting.

     Cole knew that Angelo was fired up about this place. With its recent unfortunate history, the site held great promise. The urban legends surrounding it had created quite a buzz within the urbex community. Word was the building still had a heartbeat. But to Cole’s knowledge, none of the other urbexers had breeched its imposing, windowless walls, though it was rumored that a group called The Interlopers had plans to infiltrate the place. “First ones in” gave you bragging rights online.